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The last year of my Twenties :)

The last year of my Twenties :)

June 10, 2018

Alhamdulillah, the first world that I can describe for my life now. Although there is not always happiness but I got a valuable lesson from the pain. This is the last year of my twenties, and I really wanna say goodbye to quarter life crisis. Feeling doubtful about our life, especially about future is really annoying. The anxious and insecure always haunt me. Ketika orang bilang masa remaja adalah masa pencarian jati diri, quarter life crisis adalah masa pencarian jati diri part 2, haha. So many questions will be revealed about your life, mostly about decision that you have made. Is this right? Is this the thing that I really want? Why I can not fit in with my life, with my career, with my relationship? An then, it becomes to compare your life with the others. You will feel envy with the others life "who looks perfect". It can be painful to compare ourselves to those we perceive as better. 

But thanks, I have been through that life. Feeling anxious and insecure are not always bad, if you can see the positive way. You will be more careful and be preparing for every step in your life. You will act courage to try many things due to you want to get a better life. Envy can be good for you too. You will learn from the others success. It leads you to take next step. Envy can motivate you to do something better.

Everything has its limit. Ultimately you will feel enough. After have gone through many ups and downs, you will realize that you turn into the person you are today. The better one.