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Monefy --> Help you to manage your money :)

Monefy --> Help you to manage your money :)

December 12th, 2016


I am used to list my expenses on notebook.  Yes I have one book just to write it, hehe. And I am used to collect my receipt of payment too. Why? Because i want to know where my money has actually gone, haha.. I have to manage my money properly, moreover I am living alone now. I should manage it wisely.

And one day, I read an article about Money Manager Application. I was so excited that knew there is an application to manage our money. Actually there are a lot of application about money manager. But they recommended us to use Monefy. Monefy is the simplest and the easiest to use. Yes I think too. After I read the explanation of some application and compared it, I chose monefy.

So how to use it?

First, download it on Play store. The screen will appear like the picture above. For expenses we can manage the categories according to necessity. Choose manage categories and edit it like you want. I have seperated that become to transport, house, gifts, sports, communications, clothes, book, health, eating out, entertainment, and shopping. Then, for incomes, choose manage account. I have separated it become 3, cash, BNI, Permata (according of my bank account, hehe). On setting we can manage first day of month, first day of week, currency, language, budget mode, and carry over. Carry over means that the remain of our money the day before will be balance to the day after.  And beside that we can set password too. Our financial is secret, isn't it? haha.


We can find out our expenses in day, week, month, even year.

So what the benefit to use this application? For me this is soooo useful. I have used since august. I have known where my money has gone and for what I have spent my money. I can compare which categories that the biggest expenses every month. Then I will try to minimize it after that.

Now that is so easy for me to manage my money properly

Lets you try it. It is so recommended.